
Dontations in the first month


St Mungo’s have a unique point of difference as a homelessness charity – they let pets into their hostels. Pets can provide a lifeline for those living on the street and so for National Pet Month, it made sense that they shout about this.

The UK is also a country of animal lovers - in fact annual average donations to animal charities are higher than to people related charities. National Pet Month therefore provides a great opportunity to expand St Mungo’s’ donor base.


We decided to tell our story from a dog’s perspective, emphasising the importance of the pet/owner relationship to both. It was important to hit the right tone to avoid being twee or childlike, and we used sensitively executed hand drawn illustrations - sometimes showing the person and dog together and sometimes from the dog’s eye view. We created a suite of bespoke cutdowns with different CTAs to drive donations and email sign-ups.


During the month our video delivered 750 one off donations and 114 monthly donations totalling £19,463.50 in total, as well as 1,644 email sign ups. Internally and externally the videos were perceived to be a success and continue to be used as drumbeat content. Please see a below testimonial:

 “From start to finish working with Brickwall was great. We were really impressed with the proposal provided which fit our brief and brand guidelines excellently. We had a tight deadline to adhere to, and Brickwall met this with efficiency, setting out a clear schedule for us and taking on our feedback promptly. Overall, we were really happy with the end result, the video brought our vision to life and the results speak for themselves. Thank you!” -

Emily Latimer – Digital Fundraising Officer